Maritime Services
Coxswain (Hong Kong Waters) (Maritime)
Description of Tasks
Coxswains (Hong Kong Waters) (Maritime) are masters of the ships which navigate inland waters. They also supervise crew members and workers on the vessel.
Professional knowledge and skills in maritime services
Coxswains (Hong Kong Waters) (Maritime) must always apply professional knowledge and skills in maritime services to solve issues and problems at work.
Knowledge and skills in machinery maintenance
Coxswains (Hong Kong Waters) (Maritime) must be able to repair and maintain machinery.
Minimum Requirements
- Completion of Preparatory Course for Examination Leading to Local Craft - Coxswain Grade 3, Certificate of Competency
- (a) Coxswain 1 (vessels up to 1,600 tones) (i) at least 20 years of age (ii) possess Coxswain Grade 1 Certificate (iii) 12 months sea-time experience in the position of Coxswain or Assistant Coxswain (iv) at least 6 months sea-time experience with vessels greater than 15 meters. (b) Coxswain 2 (vessels length up to 24 meters) (i) at least 19 years of age (ii) possess Coxswain Grade 2 Certificate (iii) 12 months sea-time experience. (c) Coxswain 3 (vessels length up to 15 meters) (i) at least 18 years of age (ii) possess Coxswain Grade 3 Certificate (iii) minimum 9 months sea-time experience in any mechanised vessels attended required short courses such as first aid, advanced fire fighting, Personal Survival Techniques (P.S.T), P.S.C.R. Boats, P.S.S.R, Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers. Reach the eyesight standard defined by Marine Department.
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