Public Information Officer (TV Production) 公共資訊主任(電視製作) / Public Information Officer (Graphic Design) 公共資訊主任(平面設計) | HK Talent Engage

Published 2024-07-18 16:00:00

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Job description

Under the supervision of The Legislative Council Commission, the Legislative Council Secretariat’s mission is to provide efficient and professional secretariat, research and administrative support for the Legislative Council (“LegCo”), enhance community understanding of the activities of LegCo and ensure an effective avenue for redressing grievances of members of the public.

The Media and Public Relations Division (“MPRD”) of the Secretariat is responsible for external liaison. In addition to coordinating media and publicity-related matters, MPRD also provides education and visitor services. In view of the development and operational experience of LegCo in recent years, additional manpower is needed to enhance the services provided to LegCo and the public. In this regard, the Secretariat is currently looking for high calibre individuals for appointment as Public Information Officer (TV Production) and Public Information Officer (Graphic Design).


秘書處轄下的傳媒及公共關係部主責對外聯繫。除統籌與傳媒及宣傳相‍關事宜外,部門亦提供教育與訪客服務。考慮到近年立法會的發展需‍要及運作經驗,傳媒及公共關係部需增加人手以優化為立法會及公眾提供的服務。就此,秘書處現正招聘優秀人才出任公共資訊主任(電視製作)公‍共資訊主任 (平面設計)

Main duties

Public Information Officer (TV Production)

(a) Monitoring the daily work and performance of the TV production team comprising panel directors, camera operators and technicians, including filming all the open meetings, official media briefings and events of Legislative Council (LegCo) and its committees for live broadcast through the LegCo Webcast System and providing relevant video/audio signals to news organizations for broadcast purpose;
(b) Ensuring the Televising Guidelines endorsed by The Legislative Council Commission are fully observed by the TV production team;
(c) Assisting in the production and filming of videos for implementing publicity programmes and undertaking the content management of the LegCo YouTube channel and the in-house video archives;
(d) Liaising with contractors, TV news organizations and other stakeholders on matters related to the televising system and the use of TV/Radio Rooms in the LegCo Complex; and
(e) Undertaking other duties assigned by supervisors.

Public Information Officer (Graphic Design)

(a) Developing art designs and multimedia promotional contents for LegCo, and providing art direction and advice on promotional collaterals;
(b) Implementing publicity programmes through various means for LegCo;
(c) Assisting in supervising the supporting staff of the multimedia team; and
(d) Undertaking other duties assigned by supervisors.

Staff in MPRD are subject to posting within the Division.

Entry requirements

Candidates for the following posts should:

Public Information Officer (TV Production)

(a) have a recognized university degree, preferably in mass communication (TV), journalism, E&M engineering, electronic engineering, multimedia, or equivalent;

(b) have at least least six years’ work experience in TV broadcasting, preferably in live programmes, studio management and panel operation. Applicants with more years of relevant experience than required, if appointed, will be considered for appointment to the post of Senior Public Information Officer (TV Production) and will be offered the minimum point of the respective salary scale;
(c) have knowledge of video camera shooting, video recording operation and TV broadcasting equipment;
(d) have knowledge of content management of audio-visual materials, preferably on social media platforms;
(e) have a good command of written and spoken Chinese and English;
(f) be team players with good communication and presentation skills, as well as the ability to work independently and under pressure; and
(g) be able to work in a close team environment.

Public Information Officer (Graphic Design)

(a) have a recognized university degree, preferably in graphic design, multimedia design, or equivalent;
(b) have at least six years’ work experience in design, advertising, multimedia production, and/or other relevant areas. Applicants with less years of relevant experience than required may also be considered and, if appointed, will be offered an appropriate salary point below the minimum point of the respective salary scale;
(c) be proficient in common creative design software;
(d) be proficient in Microsoft Windows and Mac OS;
(e) have the ability to leverage AI technologies to enhance creative processes, improve efficiency, and generate innovative ideas;
(f) have a good command of written and spoken Chinese and English; and
(g) be creative, self-motivated with good communication skills, and be able to work independently, flexibly and under pressure.

All candidates for the above posts should be willing to work beyond normal office hours or on holidays when needed.

The Secretariat may devise further criteria to shortlist applicants. Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend a written and computer skills test. Applicants for the post of Public Information Officer (Graphic Design) may also be required to attend video or photo-taking and editing tests.


The starting salary for Public Information Officer (TV Production) and Public Information Officer (Graphic Design) is $62,895 per month, increasing by five annual increments to $79,135. Note 1 There is also a monthly cash allowance for the rank of Public Information Officer (the current rate is $1,190 per month).

The successful candidates will be appointed on three-year agreement terms subject to renewal upon satisfactory completion of service, at which the appointees will be eligible for an end-of-agreement gratuity. The gratuity, when added to the employer’s contribution to a Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme, is equal to 15% of the total basic salary drawn during the agreement period. Fringe benefits include paid leave as well as medical and dental benefits.

Note 1 To be adjusted to $64,780 and $81,510 respectively subject to the approval of the Finance Committee of LegCo.


The Secretariat only accepts online applications for the above positions. Applicants should apply online at https://www.legco.gov.hk/en/about-legco/career-opportunities.html on or before 29 July 2024.Note 2 Shortlisted applicants will be notified by email or by phone. All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidence. Applicants not invited for interview or written and computer skills test within eight weeks from the closing date may assume their applications unsuccessful.

As an equal opportunities employer, The Legislative Council Commission is committed to ensuring that there is no discrimination in employment with the Secretariat. The posts advertised are open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirements irrespective of their disability, gender, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race. For more information on our policy on employment of persons with disabilities, please visit the LegCo Website (http://www.legco.gov.hk).

Note 2 Please note that the Secretariat has not authorized any employment agencies or third-party organizations to receive applications on behalf of the Secretariat.



(a) 監督由導播、攝影機操作員及技術員組成的電視製作小組的日常運‍作與表現,包括拍攝立法會及其轄下委員會的所有公開會議、官‍式新聞簡報會與活動,並透過立法會網上廣播系統作現場直播,以及向新聞機構提供相關影音訊號作廣播之用;
(b) 確保電視製作小組完全遵守立法會行政管理委員會通過的電視拍攝指引;
(c) 協助製作及拍攝影片以執行宣傳計劃之用,並協助管理立法會YouTube頻道內容及內部錄像檔案;
(d) 就拍攝系統及使用立法會綜合大樓的電視台/電台室的事宜,與承辦商、電視新聞機構及其他持份者聯繫;及
(e) 執行督導人員指派的其他職務。


(a) 為立法會構思美術設計及多媒體宣傳內容,並就宣傳品提供美術指導及建議;
(b) 透過不同媒介為立法會執行宣傳計劃;
(c) 協助監督多媒體製作團隊的工作;及
(d) 執行督導人員委派的其他職務。




(a) 持有認可大學學位,最好為大眾傳播(電視)、新聞、機電工程、電‍子工程、多媒體方面的學位或同等學歷;
(b) 具備最少6年從事電視廣播的工作經驗,最好是直播節目、錄影廠管理及控制台操作的經驗;具備多於所需年資、經驗較豐富的申請人如獲受聘,將被考慮出任公共資訊高級主任(電視製作),其入職薪金會定於相關職位的起薪點;
(c) 具備影片攝錄、錄影操作及電視廣播器材的知識;
(d) 具備視聽資料內容管理的知識,最好與社交媒體平台相關;
(e) 具備良好的中、英文講寫能力;
(f) 具備團隊合作精神及良好的溝通和表達技巧,且能獨立並在壓力下工作;及
(g) 能在緊密的團隊合作環境下工作。


(a) 持有認可大學學位,以平面設計或多媒體設計方面的學位較佳,或具備同等學歷;
(b) 具備最少6年從事設計、廣告、多媒體製作及/或其他相關方面的工作經驗。具備少於所需年資的申請人亦會被考慮,如獲受聘,入職薪金會定於適當的薪點,並較相關職位的起薪點為低;
(c) 熟悉常用的創作設計軟件;
(d) 熟悉微軟視窗及Mac OS的操作;
(e) 能善用人工智能加快創意流程、提高效率並創作創新想法;
(f) 具備良好的中、英文講寫能力;及
(g) 具創意、自發性及有良好的溝通技巧,能夠獨立、靈活地,並在壓力下工作。






註1 倘獲立法會財務委員會批准,有關薪酬將分別調整至64,780元及81,510元。


**秘書處只接受網上申請上述職位。申請人須於2024年7月29日或該日前,於以下網頁提交申請︰https://www.legco.gov.hk/tc/about-legco/career-opportunities.html。註2 秘書處將以電郵或電話方式通知初步入選的申請人。**申請人提供的的所有個人資料均會嚴加保密。申請人如於截止日期後8星期內未獲邀參加面試或筆試及電腦技能測試,可當作其申請不成功。


註2 請注意,秘書處並無授權任何職業介紹所或第三方機構代表本處接收申請

Job particulars

Job source
Job reference
Date published
18 Jul 2024
Job keywords
Government,Civil Services,Public Sector,Public Utilities,Design,Media,Advertising,Bachelor Degree

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