Innovation and Technology
Innovation and technology (I&T) experts
Description of Tasks
I&T experts leading a broad range of tasks related to research and development (R&D), and R&D commercialisation (including pilot testing) in relevant innovation fields, including but not limited to the following fields:
- pharmaceutical and life science/biotechnology / medical and healthcare sciences;
- data engineering (e.g. data mining/data analytics), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, large language model, robotics, distributed ledger technologies, biometric technologies, industrial/chemical engineering, etc.;
- materials science / nanotechnology;
- microelectronics;
- integrated circuit design;
- advanced communication technologies;
- quantum technology;
- Internet-of-Things;
- green technology;
- new energy technology;
- aerospace technology; and
- advanced manufacturing, which requires R&D in the application of a broad range of technology areas, such as data engineering, AI, robotics /Internet-of-Things, advanced communication technologies and materials science.
Qualification Requirements
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree-holders from a well-recognised university, with experience in relevant technology areas and having attained outstanding achievements in top-notch I&T institutions, corporations and research and development organisations, which could prove that the applicant is a well-recognised talent. Examples of such proof include:
- Examples of invention in relevant fields as a director / founder / key staff member of an I&T institution, corporation or research and development organisation; or
- Proof of recognition of work outside the applicant’s immediate occupation that has contributed to the advancement of the field; or
- Significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions in the relevant sector as either a founder, entrepreneur or key staff member of a company in the relevant field; or
- Widely recognised as a world leading talent (e.g. recipients of renowned awards in the field); or
- Examples of exceptional ability in the field by making academic contributions through researches published in authoritative journals or endorsed by renowned experts; or
- Recommendation by reputable Research and Development Centres, Quangos or Tertiary Institutes in relevant field.
- Persons with the aforesaid very exceptional experience or achievement are welcome, even if they are not STEM graduates from a well-recognised university.
Enquiry on the Profession
Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau