Resident Senior Survey Officer (Quantity) 駐地盤高級測量主任(工料) (Job ID# 10271) | 人才服务办公室

2023-08-10 16:00:00发布



WSP (Asia) Limited has been appointed by Drainage Projects Division of Drainage Services Department as the Consultant for Contract no. DC/2023/07 Drainage Improvement Works at North District - Phase 1.
The works comprise construction of drainage channels, stormwater drains and/or flood walls at six locations in North District including Kong Ha and Sha Tau Kok Town, Shek Kiu Tau, Hang Tau, Kai Fong Garden, Kwu Tung Road, and Tin Ping Shan Tsuen near Sheung Shui Wai Man Kok Village. In addition, the works include the construction of an underground storage tank and a stormwater pumping station in Kong Ha and Sha Tau Kok Town. The works will commence in 2023 Q3 and will take about 48 months to complete.

香港特別行政區政府渠務署轄下排水工程部委派科進顧問(亞洲)有限公司作為合約編號DC/2023/07 - 北區雨水排放系統改善工程 — 第一期。
上述合約的工程包括為北區的6個位置建造排水道、雨水渠及防洪牆,位置包括崗下及沙頭角市、石橋頭、坑頭、啓芳園、古洞路及天平山村近上水圍文閣村。工程亦包括為崗下及沙頭角市興建 1 所地下雨水蓄洪池和雨水泵房。工程將於2023年第3季展開,約需時48個月完成。

We now invite applications for the following Resident Site Staff position(s):


Resident Senior Survey Officer (Quantity) 駐地盤高級測量主任(工料) (Job ID# 10271)

  • Diploma or Higher Certificate from Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Institute of Construction / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / Technical Institute or Technical College of Vocational Training Council / Polytechnic university / polytechnic in Hong Kong or equivalent in an appropriate discipline; and

  • At least 7 years’ relevant post-qualification experience; or

  • At least 7 years’ relevant experience as Resident Survey Officer (Quantity) or equivalent in appropriate discipline in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the RSS Management Handbook.

  • 持有香港建造業議會 / 香港建造學院 / 香港專業教育學院 / 職業訓練局轄下的工業學院或科技學院 / 香港其中一間理工大學 / 理工學院頒發相關學科的文憑或高級證書或同等資格;及

  • 具有最少七年於取得該等資格後之相關工作經驗;或

  • 最少七年在公共工程項目或駐工地人員管理手冊中4.5.2 章節列出的認可工程項目中擔任駐地盤測量主任(工料)或同等職位之相關工作經驗。

The language proficiency requirements of Level 2 Note or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE/ HKCEE or equivalent shall be met.


Note: Grade C and Grade E in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to Level 3 and Level 2 respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

備註: 2007年前的香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙)C級及E級成績,在行政上會被視為等同2007年或之後香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科第3級和第2級成績。

Applicants should also refer to the other requirement(s) stipulated in Appendix 7.4 of “Management Handbook for Direct Employment of Resident Site Staff by Consultants for Public Works Projects” from the webpage of Development Bureau. (“Handbook”)


The applicants should have minimum academic/ professional qualification requirements of the above posts. For the usual duties of the positions, please refer to RSS Management Handbook Appendix 7.4.


Appointments will be made on Agreement Term in accordance with the prevailing Government’s terms and conditions.


If you meet the above job requirements, you are invited to send your full resume with your full name(s), identity card number(s) (or passport numbers(s)), date of availability, contact telephone no. to The Human Resources Department, WSP, 7/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong or email to [email protected] on or before 25 August 2023.
(Please quote the Job ID#. in the email application subject or on the application letter and envelope)
As an environmentally friendly practice, it is recommended to submit the application via email for saving use of paper.

應聘者如符合上述職位要求,請將完整簡歷連同您的全名、身份證號碼(或護照號碼)、到職日期、個人聯絡電話號碼郵寄至香港九龍灣宏遠街1號一號九龍7樓,科進顧問(亞洲)有限公司人力資源部收,或電郵至[email protected]。申請截止日期為2023年8月25日。(申請者必須在申請電郵或申請信及信封上寫上職位編號#)。

Please be informed that the personal data of candidates (including your name and identity card number/ passport number) will be transferred to the Hong Kong SAR Government for the purposes of recruitment, employment and management of RSS under consultancies managed by the Hong Kong SAR Government, as well as of retrieval of any of your unsatisfactory/poor performance reports and poor performance records from the RSS Database pursuant to Clause 5.1.6A of the Handbook.

請注意,根據手冊第 5.1.6A條所要求,應聘者的個人資料(包括您的姓名及身份證號碼/護照號碼)將被轉移到香港特別行政區政府,以作香港特別行政區政府管理顧問公司招聘、僱用和管理駐地盤工程人員,及從駐地盤工程人員數據庫(RSS Database)中檢索您的任何 “不滿意/表現不佳”之績效報告和不佳績效記錄之用途。

Personal data provided by candidates will be used strictly for recruitment related purpose only and in accordance with the employer’s personal data policies, a copy of which will be provided immediately upon request.



10 Aug 2023
Engineering,Technical Services (Electrical,Electronic,Mechanical,Other),Construction,Property,Diploma / Certificate

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